Sunday, January 14, 2007 @11:41 AM
I own a screwed up keyboard that I don't know how to fix it. If anyone knows how to, please help! Here's how it goes...Basically two rows of keys are affected. When I type certain letters, I get 'twin effect' like:
-2 or 3 becomes 23
-w or e becomes we
-s or d becomes sd
-x or c becomes xc
For example,
I weokwe up latwe tosday.(without editing)
I woke up late today.(with editing)
It took me super long to type this entry cos I need to edit it! This is a weird keyboard. BOO.
On another note, made an impromptu decision last night after service by purchasing Delirious? 'Now Is The Time - Live At Willow Creek' album with Jayne! Though I missed out on taking a photo with Martin Smith...This album is awesome! Since I don't own any of their products it's definitely the best buy! Yes I love those videos...Creative, addictive! Had it autographed as well. WAH! Hehehe...
It's back to work tomorrow. The weekends passed so quickly, faster than the weekdays. Like duh. Perhaps I'm experiencing the post-Sunday blues right now. Just exactly what my colleague, Grace, told me. Got a lot of tutor packages for me to pack! Better treasure the last 20 hours before the start of a new Monday. Meanwhile, take care, relax and God bless your week ahead! (Finally finish editing..PHEW)
Thursday, January 11, 2007 @9:58 PM
We're fated to meet...Ada in NP, Xiaohui in SIM. Met the two of them during the precious few minutes of lunch break. Karen, don't even get to see her. Maybe some day!!
Looks like I'm still enjoying the honeymoon period, cos the real nightmare starts from next week onwards, with lots of students coming for registration and materials collection. Maybe need to work O/T. Aw. Even though it means higher pay, I'd rather go home early and sleep my night away. It's hard not to yawn at work, but coffee really works. While waiting for 700 double-sided forms to be printed, I made myself a cup of coffee. Maybe I miss the sweet mocha taste. Energized now! What if I can't sleep tonight. Boo. Anyway did some data entry work today...Rather speedy considering there're several columns to be filled into. Faxed information may be repeated, or course codes may be written wrongly. Must check for so many things...Guess I still need to enter at least 400 more sheets(one huge stack), and still counting. At least it's something I enjoy doing. I'd rather key in data than to wait for printed documents. Waiting is so boring.
CB went to pasta fresca on sunday. Good food! Here's the group photo with missing members! (: Actually we look quite funny, somewhat bloated. Maybe it's cos of the staff who took it for us haha...=X So bad.

YAY. Have a happy Friday...
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 @10:12 PM
What I've been doing in my office(SIM's CA dept) for the past two days:
1. ZAP ZAP ZAP! Of course I do that...As a temp staff, this is almost the one and only job that I need to do so far.
2. Stone at my desk/photocopy room. Didn't have as much time to stone today compared to yesterday cos the ex-temp staff came back and taught me how to do things.
3. Visit the toilet as and when I feel like it. I don't even do this so often in school nor at home. It has become my favourite haunt. It's so clean that I keep entering.
4. Refill water bottle in the pantry. Another favourite haunt of mine. Nowadays I drink at least 1.5L of water at work. No choice. The air-con blows at me all day, so need to hydrate myself often.
5. Snack. Popping candies into my mouth, having breakfast secretly in the pantry.(can't walk around and eat right...)
6. Checking out hunks and babes at SIM and NP during lunch breaks!
That's about it. Not as dull as what other temp admin people say...Other than the stoning part, I actually enjoy working(:
Sunday, January 07, 2007 @10:21 PM
It has been a great weekend serving as an observer in Chorus Board(CB). On Sat, I was stationed at the 'Side Board', while today, it was at the 'Main Board'. While observing, I tried to pick up as much as I could, though my attention span decreased today. Walked in and out of the 'freezer' room several times..Probably cos of the mild cough and lack of sleep. My first time getting so close to the songleaders and BVs. Tremendously exciting experience. It felt as if we were on a roller coaster ride. Definitely not for the faint-hearted. Immediate recovery was necessary, or else the congregation would not be able to follow. Mistakes are inevitable, but they cannot be repeated. Thank God for helping us throughout the service, ensuring the smooth delivery of the sermon despite some hiccups(not noticeable I guess) along the way. On the overall, Kelvyn says it's good job. YAY!
After service, the team went for lunch at Siglap together. Imagine squeezing into the back of the car with four other members(strangers?) for the first time. Somehow, I could really sense the strong team-bonding, the friendliness of every single member in Team 3. It certainly didn't give me the feeling of 'You are new here so just listen and do what I tell you!' Family. Yeah..That's the word. Glad to be part of this family!
Gonna work tomorrow. All the best...Have a great week ahead!
Friday, January 05, 2007 @3:43 PM
This is getting exciting! After I've gotten my job, now I am officially in my ministry! My leader(service i/c) just sent me an e-mail. He is Kelvyn!! *CLAP CLAP* I am in Team 3-Operations team? According to him, I should be meddling with equipment after the training. It's observation for this weekend. Initially I thought I was put into a graphics team. Looks like they deployed me to somewhere else instead, which is good too! Cos I know it'll be a lifetime learning experience. We have our own website, COOL!
Really need to rest well...Still in the sick mode. It's a cycle. I've been sick at the start of the year for the past two years. The fun has just begun! 2007 has kicked off with a great start! Another job offer...WAAAA =) I rejected it again..
It's advertisement time!!!
It's a new year...and Chinese New Year is rather round the corner(only one more month!)...It's time for a new image, a sizzling change of hair colour!! Make it bright RED,
hazelnut BROWN,
shimmering GOLD! Here's a great deal! Purchase a L'Oréal hair colour, 20% discount and get a colour shampoo free! This package has before and after treatment conditioners too. Whilst stocks last... This promotion is at all Watsons outlets, but visit the one at Parkway Parade B1!!! I mean you still get it at the same price, but you'll see a bubbly promoter if she's working. HAHA =)
Back to watching 'Silence'. Shh...
Thursday, January 04, 2007 @1:22 PM
After watching two episodes of 'Silence', I shall stop having prejudices against Vic Zhou. After all, he can sing, act, looks charming from all angles in the show. OR is it because of his hair colour?? I have a fetish for actors who have blondish-brown hair. Like Jeong Hoon as Yul in Goong? Notice some resemblance...HAIR, THE HAIR!!,
(Anyway it dated back to 2001, I didn't like him, and the rest of his group. Disliked the group since then till now...Sounds childish. But looking at his performance, I find him not detestable. No interest in Jerry and Ken though. Maybe Vanness cos of 'Kangta and Vanness'. Ok, you get it. I don't like F4 as a whole. Please..I have nothing against them. It's a matter of
Like VS Dislike.)
Ha. I'm on a lucky streak. Some job agency(I don't know which cos applied for too many) called this morning, and this time round, it was I who turned down the job offer. To answer
guesswho!'s question, it's an admin job. Job aside, I miss school terribly. It feels lonely to be at home, without friends, tutors, even tutorials!! For the past two years in Jan, I was deeply involved in TJ's Orientation...
The times where I was never late but super early for school, running around the school campus, taking the MRT and buses to the 'furthest' place like City Hall for the games, sitting at the pavilion opposite school for lunch, cheering for my clan till my voice went hoarse, travelling to Musical Fountain for our MASS dance, having late-night suppers till there were no buses to take us home.
Seriously. I enjoyed all these times. Who says orientation is boring. I don't even want to crash other JCs...Haiz. Even if it means staring at the hunks in front of me, this kind of life is nowhere meaningful. Maybe I should continue with the drama and not let my thoughts run wild..
The hunger pang has hit again. Let's see...Seafood ramen for lunch! What were you thinking? It's only instant noodles!!!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007 @11:38 PM
Went down to Raffles Place to confirm my job, marveled at how beautiful Boat Quay is even in the day. I bet it'll be 100X better at night! That's what reg told me. Right? What a waste. I should have taken some pics there before I left. Thought I was in another dimension. Anyway. It's another matter that's worth celebrating. Thank God for the job. Even though the workplace is located far, far away from where I stay, transport is provided. Looks like I can save at least $3 a day on transport! As someone who hasn't worked before, it feels so exciting to have found one after rejected by so many companies. Oh. I just lack the clothes now. Complained to four people on how expensive MRT rides are these days. I'd rather not be an adult =(
Ahh. I'm left with the task of hanging out the laundry at this time. Yes, almost midnight already. YO JASMINE!! While I'm typing this, you tagged on my box again! HEHE =P Thanks...At least I know I'm not talking to the air as I blog.
They should really fix those cables in TW soon. My Internet is laggy tonight! Can't even download the show that I want to watch. Perhaps it's signalling to me, "Time to sleep, sickly mousey"...My throat feels weird, bleahx. All I want is to be healthy again...
Since it's getting late, I guess I want to turn in early. How contradicting is that...Good night to all! Plus
Tuesday, January 02, 2007 @8:25 PM
Borrowed(without permission) these pics from Jasmine...They're so funny!! So I'm just going to repost on my blog as well...

The Award Recipients

Mona Lisas come alive

N283 Bengs
@7:25 PM
Oh yes. I
DID IT!!!!!!!!!
Observe this moment of excitement as I celebrate and rejoice over the new birth of my blog. Sounds like someone who've just been saved. Just like what I've predicted, it didn't last for more than three months and then was left to rot on its own. Still, re-setting up of this blog is one of my wishes! TADA!!!!! Finally the blog is up again with my beloved
DONGWAN. This is truly lovely. Not one, but three DONGWANs! Oh ya, plus one SER MIN =)
2006's been a long year. Thank God I'm still alive and breathing, where He pours unlimited blessings unto me. Looking forward to the temporary job where hopefully, I'll gain some experience and be equipped with life skills. Also, I believe 2007 will be the best year yet! It's the time to make good use of each day to lead a fulfilling life.
2006 ended well, with the 4H gathering as the highlight of Dec06. After days of planning(thanks to XK who kept calling me), it worked!!! If I'm not wrong, almost the entire Bball team was around, 80% of the girls and some guys who didn't pangseh us. Hey guys(I mean guys), thanks for cooking. I feel so lousy in front of you all, cos I can't whip up something decent. Like bee hoon, cheesey macaroni, fruit salad, etc etc!! ZX... Had to beg him to fry nuggets dot dot dot. It's so fun to see all of you still in one piece, alive and kicking, joking like never before. Thanks for being a part of my life. For the first time, I laughed till I cried. Back then, we were this bunch of troublemakers who disturbed the teachers all the time. I like the pohser, pohstitute ones...HEH. All teachers walked out of the classroom at least once...That's a record. True enough, many of us have settled down. For those in poly, study hard, play hard! To the rest... Let us enjoy our holidays!
It takes so long to type one entry. >.<
Must specially thank this person who has been an encourager to me...HUITIAN!! My cell leader...She's one wonderwoman to me. I really appreciate you a lot for the past year, especially during the pre-'A' level period. You came to my place week after week to ensure I was coping well, not getting stressed out and constantly praying for me. N283, you are my pillars of strength. It's been a tough year, but because of your support, I'm still standing strong today (:
2007, I'm ready. Are you?